02 March 2021

CYSC Philosophy and Camp Metrics

Capitolo Youth Soccer Club is fundamentally a social experiment.  We use soccer as a vehicle to instill the universal values of fitness, fun, sportsmanship, respect, community, access & equality in our players.  We believe the best chance of developing soccer fluency is to encourage a passion for the sport - both on and off the field. CYSC maintains that soccer cannot be taught – nor do we teach – in the short term.  We view our players’ enthusiasm to participate, and the % of returning players (across seasons and through the curriculum) as our only barometers for success.
The following metrics define the CYSC ca
Tykes (generally aged 3-4):
1.  will meet 5:00-5:45 one time a week
2.  have little to no soccer/sports experience. 
3.  may choose to participate in many drills without a soccer ball.
4.  will develop a relationship with the soccer ball.  Maybe even using their hands.
5.  will exhibit sportsmanship by staying on the field and participating in drills.
6.  will concentrate on exercise & fun more than... soccer! 
7.  will not progress to "scrimmages".
8.  will learn soccer by accident!

Peewees (generally aged 4-6):
1.  will meet from 5-6pm one time a week
2.  have little to no soccer/sports experience (except returning Tykes!)
3.  will progress to introduce a ball into most drills.
4.  will intuit that they don't need to use their hands.
5.  will exhibit sportsmanship by following directions or not hitting the next one in line.
6.  will be in motion (running) for at least 50% of practice.
7.  will have a ball at their foot for 90% of practice.
8.  will sleep for you after practice!

Bridge (generally aged 6-10)
1.  will meet from 5:00-6:15 one time a week
2.  may have previous introduction to soccer (or competitive sports).
3.  will have a ball at their foot for 100% of practice (except in scrimmages...)
4.  will learn the basic rules of soccer necessary to participate in a game setting.
5.  will exhibit sportsmanship, by stressing leadership and exercise more than winning.
6.  will be in motion approximately 75% of a practice (and require many water breaks).
7.  will have a ball at their foot for 60min of practice, followed by a small sided scrimmage.
8.  will learn that there is only ONE CAPITOLO!

Intramurals (8+ year olds, by invitation)
1.  will practice 1-2 a week
2.  have previous soccer experience, or have graduated CYSC Bridge Camp.
3.  will continue to develop individual skill with a soccer ball, but...
4.  will learn how individual effort ultimately contributes to team success.
5.  will participate in all facets of the game: field play, goalie, substitute, offense, defense...
6.  will showcase their skills in Saturday morning games.
7.  will Win as a team or Lose as a team.